/* * @file HTML Buttons plugin for CKEditor * Copyright (C) 2012 Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo * A simple plugin to help create custom buttons to insert HTML blocks */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'htmlbuttons', { init : function( editor ) { var buttonsConfig = editor.config.htmlbuttons; if (!buttonsConfig) return; function createCommand( definition ) { return { exec: function( editor ) { editor.insertHtml( definition.html ); } }; } // Create the command for each button for(var i=0; iSearch something', title:'A link to Google' }, { name:'button2', icon:'icon2.png', html:'
', title:'A simple table' }, { name:'button3', icon:'icon3.png', html:'
  1. Item 1
    1. Sub item 1
    2. Sub item 2
', title:'A nested list' } ];