diff --git a/record.php b/record.php index fba7a70..498faf5 100644 --- a/record.php +++ b/record.php @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ while (true) : logger(2, 'All checks passed, starting ffmpeg'); notify('Recording', 'Restreamer API reported that repeating to local nginx is connected and the HLS endpoint is found. The HLS output is now being recorded. HLS URL is the following: '.$_set->hls.', Output directory is: '.$output_directory, 2); if ($_set->recordhls || !$_set->rtmp) - exec('flock -n '.$_set->pid.' -c "ffmpeg -re -i '.$_set->hls.' -c copy '.$output_directory.'/index.m3u8 2> '.$output_directory.'/ffmpeg.log"', $output, $exitcode); + exec('flock -n '.$_set->pid.' -c "ffmpeg -re -i '.$_set->hls.' -c copy -hls_list_size 0 '.$output_directory.'/index.m3u8 2> '.$output_directory.'/ffmpeg.log"', $output, $exitcode); else - exec('flock -n '.$_set->pid.' -c "ffmpeg -re -i '.$_set->hls.' -c copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls '.$output_directory.'/index.m3u8 2> '.$output_directory.'/ffmpeg.log"', $output, $exitcode); + exec('flock -n '.$_set->pid.' -c "ffmpeg -re -i '.$_set->rtmp.' -c copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls '.$output_directory.'/index.m3u8 2> '.$output_directory.'/ffmpeg.log"', $output, $exitcode); logger(2, 'ffmpeg exited with code '.$exitcode); notify('Recording stopped', 'The FFMPEG process shut down with exit code: '.$exitcode, 2); if ($exitcode)